Wednesday, October 13, 2010

To Freemium or Not to Freemium?

Free: The Future of a Radical Price
This is a topic that comes up a lot when dealing with Internet businesses.  I would say that the topic is interesting, but I actually find it somewhat nauseating as I reflect on the number of online quarrels I've encountered when reading about the Freemium debate.  This is why I found it refreshing to come across this nice article from the folks at MailChimp.  A beautifully laid out case study on some of the pros and cons of Freemium, and an encouragement to startups that have been around a little too long to be considered a true startup.  Personally, the idea of Freemium appeals to me as it gives users a chance to taste your product for free, and gives you (the business) an opportunity to learn from your users and grow your user base.  So, "To Freemium or Not to Freemium?" -- you decide.

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